
This is a really goofy article. The reason Steve Trevor has such a big impact on the film is because Chris Pine is a charming bastard who elevated his supporting role, he carried Gadot who is pretty weak as an actor and the character was written very well, playing off WW's character and giving her a focal point for

Way to miss the obvious point of the song, You Tube 'comedian.'

This review is tough to read. Too many adjectives/qualifiers.

And "World In Motion" is a lot of fun and the rap is effective given the song's laid-back, crowd-pleasing feel.

You invalidated your list by dismissing Get Ready. "Crystal," Vicious Streak" and "Run Wild" can hang with most of their "peak" songs. Sure, there is a lot of filler on the album, but their albums have consistently been hit and miss from the beginning.

It seems like people are paid what they are worth, more or less, especially at this level. Who is more important to a movie or a movie franchise? RDJ? Or JL or SJ? Marvel must know how their bread is buttered and are paying accordingly. If they lose RDJ for Iron Man, they are going to be scrambling to replace him and

You guys consistently have the worst taste in movies. It's kind of amazing. The Master, yeesh.