Podesta The Molesta

I do enjoy a nice slice of cheese pizza, but Skippy prefers pasta.

What I really appreciated is that the way it was staged and filmed made me feel like I was really there on a stakeout with Mike Ehrmanntraut. Vince Gilligan even showed the monotony of endless waiting in an interesting way.

Well, this IS the first time we've gotten actual dialogue, isn't it? When the music stopped and it was still black and white and then real sounds started flowing in, my anus tightened with glee.

Oh my God, I missed that, too! That one split second totally changes the entire meaning of the scene that preceded it. Masterful. That's what I love about this show: you absolutely HAVE to pay complete attention to it, or you will miss so much! Every moment tells an important piece of the story.

Hey Zack, didn't you see the "SW" logo behind Maeve when she was asking what that place was? That wasn't another part of West World, that was Samurai World! And hopefully we get to see Roman World too at some point.

One thing that I had a problem with: the newspaper article that just happened to be in the phone booth saying where Mike Milligan was. If it's such common knowledge that he was at the Pearl Motel that there was even a news article about it, then why were the authorities not gong in there to arrest his ass? It kind of

The pillowcase on Dodd's head was also a reference to Fargo the movie.

I thought they were Norse runes for a minute…

I was saying "Just tell him that you told them to kill Dodd, not Otto!"

"rather than trying to repeat the successes of season 1, he's learned
from its flaws (there weren't many, but they were there), and made what
could have been a disastrously muddled and overly-complicated sophomore
slump into incredibly compelling television."

But didn't she say in the interrogation that she "missed" the victim? Why would she say that about Noah's father-in-law? I'm wondering, though, who the father-in-law's mistress was that he invited to the party. She hd dark hair but we didn't get a good look at her face. Who is she anyway? She seems like she will be