
It's not a bad book, but it was clearly written in hopes of being turned into a movie. It's just missing lines like "Tom Hanks enters stage-right…"

I can't blame someone for not liking Doctor Who if they only saw a small number of episodes from the first season. That show had a horrible start. I know I'm going to get spammed for this, but I don't care! It was horribly written, horribly acted. It was cheesy, campy, and had horrible special effects that just

This makes no sense. You'd think that HBO would be glad that the people who would otherwise be stealing their shows completely are willing to pony up some of their cash.

The one difference here though vs. all others is that he's never done that format, so it'll be hard to say. I'm personally hoping that it'll be something similar to Real Time with Bill Maher.

Him getting use to the restrictions could be something that he plays up. His "technical difficulties" followed by him signing legal documents bit could be showing up quite a bit for the first few episodes.

Louis CK?? He did do the prep work! :-)

I'm curious as to how he'll end the show. Maybe Papa Bear Bill O'Reilly will finally get around to shutting him down due to copyright enfringement.

Talking Daily??

I'm really feeling mixed about this. His character that we've all come to know and love is what made him so great. A major network is going to have a LOT of restrictions that he's going to have to work around which could limit him creatively. I wish Stephen Colbert the best, but am really going to miss "Stephen

Back to feudship I guess.

Finally. The one problem that this show suffers from is that it's just too family-friendly. Hopefully they'll maybe throw in a little bit of violence too.