
This guy is my new hero.

Two words: "Rolo Tommasi"

One of the reasons why, I think, is because he might like an idea in one of those videos and then try to pass it off as his own.

What the fuck is he *wearing* in that pic?

Difference is Eisenberg is actually a good actor.

Jared Leto is not us.

This dude is like the Hallmark card version of "edgy."

His performance in Suicide Squad might be the single worst one in the history of cinema.

The fact that those people had to shit in port a potties makes me smile.

The people who purchased tickets should be arrested for idiocy.

There is a 100% chance it won't be as good as the original.

Twitter outrage police strikes again.


This is a friendly reminder that Suicide Squad is an Oscar-winning film.

I think Quentin Tarantino should direct a superhero movie.

Superhero movies are my kryptonite.

Rotten Tomatoes is probably one of the worst barometers for accurate critical reception I can think of.

I'm cognizant that this is sort of not the point, but with all due respect to Mr. Wright, all superhero movies for the past decade have been the same bland, homogenous shit. Not entirely sure he would have elevated it.

Forget about the pool for a second. What about getting busy in a Burger King bathroom?

Not a member of the Mile High Club?