Jason R.

As was always the case Shaq gets the hype when Tim Duncan was the better pick. I've seen Shaq at least get into a fight before. Duncan was a secret character in Knockout Kings 2000 for reasons that are indecipherable at best.

In college and my roommates made for some of the PS2 WWF games. We all kept odd hours so half the fun of getting home from work or class was to see what (likely drunken) creation had been made in my absence. A few I remember:
-Mahottma Blandhi- A super skinny diva with blond hair, glasses, and dark skin. Her

But he's totally fetch!

Fiddler on the Roof starring Blake Shelton.

Especially if he ends up haunting a mansion in the afterlife.

And his career is far from over.

The first time I read this my brain saw it as Kate Gosselin. And I'm pretty sure either would work better than Diaz.

Justice at last for John Spencer.

The execs at NBC are about to be found bludgeoned to death with both bedknobs AND broomsticks.

A perfect companion piece to my erotic fanfic If I Did It With Kristen Schaal.

He's got a kid now.  Can't let pride stand in the way of doing whatever you have to do to put food on the table.