
Remember in a previous episode where there were "military types" arguing with "civilian types" about whether that failed clone was a bear or something else? I guess the military types were in on the act too? And so they weren't part of the uprising, but also didn't stop it so long as it wasn't hurting Westmorland?

I think what they were trying to do was say "now they've become legitimate friends, and that's valuable and great too, and progress for both of them"

Would trump voters use the term basic bitch?

I would say that valuing all life, even to the point of excluding self preservation sounds more buddhist to me. (as the buddhist on the plane said, we can't change the world, we can only change ourselves)

I'm pretty sure they're going to get mike ("and what about the other thing?") to swap out the tape for another tape, which will make Chuck look ridiculous, and further call his mental stability into question.

Gus' guy expressed that Gus wanted to come visit, and would like to in the future. Eladio said no, probably because he was aware Gus hated him for killing his partner.

I think the intention is that they confirmed the existence of an original tape "under lock and key" and Mike got the address of a storage locker rented out in Chuck's name, so now they can destroy the original too, and it's just chuck's word, who they will discredit due to his psychological illness.

It's not a simple problem sure. And justice is an abstract concept. But when deciding on the most just course of action, shouldn't the system take damage caused into account if justice is to be served?
If you stole someone's car and they didn't realise until it was returned, compared to if you stole someone's car and

While his tears were fake, I think Chuck genuinely doesn't want Jimmy to go to prison, he just wants to have him disbarred. So he hasn't brought up the contents of the cassette (or the fact that he still has an original).

Did anyone say it was inadmissable? I don't think they discussed it at all. Chuck just wasn't attempting to include it in the criminal case (since it is not relevant to the charges filed against him anyway). It seems like Chuck's focus is just having Jimmy disbarred, rather than sending him to jail.

He hates Jimmy because everyone likes Jimmy better, even though Chuck is the "better" person. He's smarter, he's more successful, he follows all the rules. He stays with his mother while chuck leaves to get lunch.

He'll get his once Ernie's dad Gus finds out. (just a thought)

I think it's more the case that people who grew up in the 90s also grew up on 80s Nostalgia pieces that came out in the 90s.
Sort of like the popularity of 50s nostalgia cafes.

I think the reaon Negan hasn't/doesn't kill rick is that he isn't a ruthless pragmatist. He's an insecure egotistical domestic abuser type. He doesn't want to kill people (though he certainly has no problem with it). He wants to control people, and be feared/respected.

Well, there are a million things she could have done that would have been an improvement on being one of the last regular people alive in a world filled with Cronenberg monsters

At best, women are choosing to sleep with him and be my wife because he's powerful, and being in this situation is beneficial to them (for food, safety etc).
And regardless of how impossible is it to ACTUALLY remove that from the muderous sociopath that he is…..I think it's entirely possible (nay even likely) that

While Boyle was completely out of line for saying those things about Jake never being a Dad, I felt like this was intended to show that Boyle's badass development was at least somewhat a double edged sword, which I felt was good.

They give you the example of him getting people to tell on each other, they spent much of the rest of the time showing you his grooming technique
"You're special and important, and I care about you, except if you ever do anything i dislike, in which case I will cause you extreme pain…awh I'm sorry, I didn't mean that,

Absolutely! For me, it was excellent evil grooming behaviour (also Colin Farrell in Harry potter for that matter).

While she may have gotten past their lookouts, she was following one of their own, someone who would be aware of how their lookouts were placed, and also how to avoid them, from her own experience of sneaking in and out.