They get the "don't you know who I am?" discount which does not include a tip.
They get the "don't you know who I am?" discount which does not include a tip.
Exactly, not surprising this came out of the Silicon bubble.
Dey took our jobs!
::: Congress shrugs and mugs for the camera :::
You just know Cory left that hearing thinking he had totally nailed it.
AT&T is sooo hot right now.
It's actually a remote controlled robotic Mattis doll that can rid your garden of a variety of pests like moles, rabbits and small deer with an assortment of on-board weapons. We gave it the classic "Cabbage Patch" doll look because it tested well with housewives.
Or maybe it's because you are from far-left San Francisco.
I don't think Micheal has thought this through. He only has one demand left in his quiver, does he really want to use it now? On this?
Can you do a velvet painting of this? I will pay shipping.
You don't want them going out without their face on now do you?
Pro Tip: To be a successful great job interneter, you can save a lot of time and effort by simply typing "Trump" into the search engine of your choice.
Internal war with Jezebel over "tone" (muh soggy knees etc) of comments they found objectionable from the Deadspin commenters, which AJ either lost or chose not to fight. Looking back it has a certain canary in the coal mine quality to it.
Remember when Deadspin was hot and the commentariat was hilarious before the purges?
Focus groups have shown Pence is much more likeable if you pretend he is Race Bannon.
"Steven Goldberg, a software engineer in San Francisco"
Wow … like I can't even with this. Do you even market?
Remember the HBO CEO of tits?