
So it goes, Internet!

"One for Martin. Two for Martin."

Ok alright ok alright.

I agree. The songs are incredibly well crafted. A lot of their weaker songs are born out of jams, but By the Way is full of songs that, I think must have been written almost entirely by John.

Whilst it has some wonderful songs, The Great Escape ranks fairly low on my Blur list simply because of its sneery, nasty attitude. Modern Life is Rubbish and Parklife simultaneously romanticised and poked fun at modern Britain in equal measure. On The Great Escape, Albarn seems to really look down his nose at the


I recall reading an interview around the time of the film's release that mentioned this. I don't think it's an effect.

Nice try Internet?

I think Pitchfork once referred to them as Bossgaze.

What child doesn't want a hairy-even-for-him Robin Williams jumping out of a board game to the sound of tribal drums? Count me in!

It's three in funkin' morning!

One of my favourites!

I'm a fuckin' idiot. I'm I fuckin' idiot. I'm a fuckin' idiot. I'm a fuckin' idiot .