
On another note, why aren't seasons 4 and 5 of The Muppet Show available on DVD? It's a travesty, I tell you!

Sometimes I think Lucas and the Wachowskis made a side bet to see who could ruin their franchise the quickest.

Hamburgler III and Hamburgler IV: The Quest For Beef are ignored because of their campy tone and low budgets.

I'll stick to McDonald's breakfast items, which are free of any thieves or purple monsters.

*groaning* Please, look at my MedicAlert bracelet…

It's so dense, every image has so much going on…

Indiana Jones, Goodtime Slim, Uncle Doobie, and the Great Frisco Freak-Out

Adlai Stevenson

Sweet Jesus, will this show ever become unprofitable?

You're a great disappointment most of the time, Internet, but you really did well with this one. I'm taking you for ice cream to celebrate.

Between this and the Punch-Out! version of the Mayweather fight, it's been a good couple of days for video game related videos on the Internet.

Me and Robert Fripp

For a little while, it looked like the American "safe harbor" provision would provide them enough insulation, but once a whistleblower confirmed all the worst allegations against them, their fate was sealed. By the time they tried asking for licenses, they were on everyone's shit list because they had been basically

Thoughts on Claire's moment in the sun:

I kid, but seriously, these have been simply wonderful. This show is so dense with meaning that many lesser writers would fail to unpack it all. I'm glad this show found its way into the hands of such a perceptive writer.

I guess Teti isn't a poop after all.

I read in the Bowler & Dray biography that Tony & Mike were quite surprised that Phil wanted to to another Genesis album after Invisible Touch. Phil's solo career had gotten so absurdly successful that they figured the huge Wembley shows would be their swan song. Hence, WCD ended up being mostly a Phil solo album

I'm down on them because nobody gets paid except for the people who run the service (and they've paid themselves quite well).

It's all nice except they don't have permission for basically anything on their site. They've only existed this long because they exploit a loophole in American copyright law to the max (their kind of setup is illegal in most other countries).

downvoted for using Grooveshark