
Using "Discotheque" as the lead single was also a mistake. And I like that song, but it wasn't representative of the tone on the rest of the album, and it especially didn't suggest how heavy or dark the music could get. They should have gone balls-out and used "Mofo" as the lead single. Who knows if it would have

I always take issue with the standard narrative of PopMart being a failed tour because it seems like that only applies to North America. The US got the first leg of the tour which was easily the weakest because the band was still nailing down the arrangements and finding out the hard way which songs didn't work live.

I love how some people completely overestimate the potential benefit of meditation. And I'm not dissing it, it's just that it has no use against a major depressive episode. You might as well suggest meditation to someone who is on fire.

BT most definitely did not disappear from the face of the earth. And it's pretty reductive to call him a DJ - he does that, yes, but he also plats several instruments really well and creates lush, prog-and-classical informed electronic albums. Honestly, I can't tell anymore if an AV Club writer is trying to be

I liked the way the Shadows/Fallen Angels material sounded live (fucking gorgeous steel guitar), but it didn't connect with me on record. But I immediately loved the Triplicate songs that came out before the record, and I'm in love with the album right now. Something about the arrangements and the *sound* if it this

Gozer the Gozerian… good evening. As a duly designated representative of the City, County and State of New York, I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return forthwith to your place of origin or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension.

The fossil was discovered in a classical musician's refrigerator.

Going up?

Kveikur was extraordinary, and it forms a nice yin/yang with their previous record, Valtari. Valtari was very placid the whole way through, drifting off entirely into atmosphere in the second half. Kveikur was noisy and unsettling, veering into GYBE territory with its scuffy production and dark moods. Personally, I

"Remember boys, when you think you're close, _____________________________________."

Just imagine the tweets if Raffi starts reading Steely Dan lyrics.

Raffi, Dressed In Cobras

And then scatter the bones on the Backstairs.

Oh my, I'm gettin' the vapors!

You're saying we have to find the phone before we can use the Find My iPhone function? What a rip-off!

Do kids still use that word, "cool?"


Do as I say!

"You see Murdering By The Numbers, I see Blade 2."

Johnny Mathis!