The A.V. Club
Magnet for foodstuffs
The A.V. Club
Magnet for foodstuffs
He died…American Style
It's going to take more than just promises, SFU reviews. We worry so much about you when you're gone for months at a time doing…whatever is is you're doing out there, only to show up out of the blue, disheveled, penniless, with promises that it'll all be different this time. You expect us to just take you back like…
They're British, they've had good health care this whole time! And they're still living (well, not Brian Jones). Coincidence? I THINK NOT!!!
Midnight Rambler (Because I Forgot To Take My Meds)
"During the Bridges To Babylon Tour, we ties onions to our belts, which was the style at the time."
A Bigger Bang (thanks to Viagra)
Wild Horses (Couldn't Drag Me Away Because My Shriveled Old Body Is Way Too Frail For That)
"Hello, my name is Jack Example…"
I don't care how many upvotes you get vs the competition, you won this round.
Oh my, no! I'm The Dissolve!
AV Club…VA Club. AV Club…VA Club. AV…
Another classic fake movie title, right up there with Goodtime Slim, Uncle Doobie and the Great Frisco Freak-Out and The Cantabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel
The sacrifices we nerds make for our jokes.
The A.V. Club
The trip to Albany is cancelled, and there's to be no more writing.
I don't seem to have found that website in my favorites, you adorable little ragamuffin
You're not supposed to have fun recycling commenting, this is serious!
Does Anyone Want To Switch Seats? Famous Encounters With Leonard Nimoy
That is some outfit avatar, idiotking. It makes you look like a homosexual!