
My reaction to her was always "She'd be a great singer if she'd only clear her throat".

Rihanna was among those who "would not get that same ask". Think you read it wrong.

Surprised he mentioned it at all, really. There's action *in* the film, but it's not particularly spectacle-driven; even if it had been a transcendently good film, I would have been hard pressed to call it the best action movie of 2001.

In terms of raw population, it's 400K. My city's half that, but it often seems everyone knows everyone else.

Yeah, the comedy content has gone way down (in terms of quantity, at least), but the underlying story interests me more than…any other story Archer has done, really.

Oh, it absolutely provided a precedent for opposing abortion and birth control on religious grounds, and I'm not surprised that there was some minimal coordination. But it wasn't sold to the rank and file on grounds of "the Papists are on to something".

Yeah, that's why I tend to skate past those posts. Was referring to this specific post only being trolled by Lara (at least when I was writing).

I don't know if the Catholics sold them on it so much as they sold themselves. Fred Clark (Slacktivist) has written extensively on how Evangelicals grabbed on to being anti-abortion like a life vest when the Civil Rights Movement showed they had utterly failed on the most significant moral issue of the mid-20th

Read the book? He's a pretty major character.

FWIW, I think "the trolls" at this point is just Lara.

Not the first time that happened to a church.

Right, sorry, Was focusing on commenters - didn't even stop to consider troll authors.

I don't see him with anywhere near the frequency of Lara.

On American Baptists? Not really. It's debatable if Liberation Theology has influenced American Catholicism significantly - and beyond Catholics, it certainly hasn't shaped American Christianity much.

Or maybe ban guest accounts?

The irony of all of this is that Baptists' core, defining theological tenet is "Soul Freedom" - which boils down to "only God can judge me". Any agreement or relationship between Baptist congregations is explicitly just a human arrangement between like-minded individuals, because *nobody* has more right to speak for

If the Pharisees and Romans of your world aren't coming for you, you're not doing what Jesus would do.

I phrase it as "driving every motherf*cker out of the room with a whip", but excellent point. Jesus didn't get angry often, but when he did, he *committed* to it.

“Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are.”

I feel a need to proclaim the limits of my dumbassitude.