Slavery was legal in New York until 1812 - its gradual disappearance from the northern states is why people hoped it would just vanish from the south too.
Slavery was legal in New York until 1812 - its gradual disappearance from the northern states is why people hoped it would just vanish from the south too.
The key here to me is that he's asking about work. Work in the U.S. already has an established super-bland culture to allow wildly different people to tolerate each other as coworkers. If he were asking about a social situation where something more than detached politeness was expected, the question might have a…
I guess Raul, because it ain't me. I treat most of my coworkers like I expect them to repeat whatever I say in court, I figure that works regardless of color.
While it sounds wonderful, I can't say that turkey rice really lives up to the title of this column. Then again, not sure Ovaltine does either.
And beyond the arcs they gave to (newly) significant characters like Yondu and Nebula, they managed to even give development to marginal characters like Kraglin (Yondu's only surviving Ravage - yes, I had to look up the name). On a strictly writing level, the work is better than a lot of explicitly character-driven…
"You know what this comedy-action comic book blockbuster needs? A recurring theme of characters coming to terms with their abusive childhoods!"
Fair enough. Vodka sits fine with me, but I feel stupid either a) paying $10 for something that smells like bug spray, b) paying $20 for something that only faintly smells like bug spray, or c) paying $50 for what is essentially a bottle of water that gets me drunk.
Smell of vodka? There's your problem. The good stuff doesn't smell like anything. :P
Honestly? Not really. To people actually living in Ireland, the holiday's mostly a footnote. It was an opportunity for Irish-*American* communities to celebrate and be visible…until almost all of them disappeared into the American mainstream. Beyond a few ethnic enclaves (like in Boston and NY), it's just wearing…
It makes me want to take my clothes off…so I don't get them dirty while I'm worshiping at the porcelain altar. Not my idea of fun.
And other things both get you drunk *and* are pleasant to drink…
I think the current nature of St. Patrick's Day shows what those holidays end up becoming when they're truly embraced by the mainstream - nothing more than a costume theme and an excuse to drink.
Just wondering. I'm monolingual but have a choral background, so I was taught to hammer pronunciation hard.
I'd say ICE would ignore this, but they'll probably jump at the chance to do anything after days of getting trolled about extraterrestrials.
OK, "the Ecuadorian lady in my department" is also a Latino community liasion. Attempting telepathy on her, I'd guess she doesn't think it's great but also thinks it's not a battle worth fighting.
Would that Russian "r" are be more back than middle of the mouth?
I can't help but wonder if she was like "I'm Ecuadoran, what should I care about a Mexican holiday? Would you guys be offended by marking Canada Day with moose hats and mountie uniforms?"
Governor, that's…that's not what salsa's for.
The irony of all these moves is that while they will look horrible if his kids flame out and don't (or barely) make the NBA, they will then be a financially *genius* decision to cash in while there was some money to get.
Nobody is spending $500 on a sneaker. At least 80% of that is going to the myth, and banking heavily on the myth of a player who *has yet to log a minute beyond HS* is a bit of a stretch.