
Steve Harvey's time on Price Is Right has to have generated hundreds of pics that could get this caption.

Any time you're tossing around a racial slur, pleading about an archaic definition of it will only make it worse.

Now I want the two of them to collaborate on Drake's inevitable musical response.

White guy said it in private to Black colleagues, while ranting about White colleagues. Yeah, a bit contorted.

True, but Jay Z still manages to sound like an actual, non-animated adult.

Not even outed - he's (or at least his lawyer) is trying to argue that he's a phony so he can keep custody of his kids.

Honestly, I think that picture supports my take - those lyrics are solid gold, and his delivery is great, but he just…sounds…whiny's not the word, and pre-pubescent is too strong, but just not badass enough for what he's saying. If this is a voice change for him, I pray it's not some Dylan-style "Well how do you like

I think that was likely a situation where you weren't really fighting about what you were fighting about.

Yeah. There may be a song where you want to sound like Mighty Mouse spitting mad fire, but "DNA" isn't it.

And if they need any help with that, a how-to visual is readily available online.

As the clueless white guy, my impressions of this were that Kendrick is A) a brilliant lyricist and performer who B) has a voice kind of like a cartoon character.

His former teammate (and convicted murderer) Aaron Hernandez committed suicide in jail last night.

Well, it is both righteous ("morally right or justifiable; virtuous") and a debate-ender. Whether it's productive is a different matter.

I'm guessing the answer is "Finally, a standard-issue Oscar bait movie about a black homosexual.":

Aw, I was hoping to actually hear Don Cheadle rap.

"But there's nothing on the level of Deadwood," (ended 2006) "The Sopranos" (ended 2007) "or The Wire." (ended 2008). Apparently even HBO hasn't made anything on that level for nearly a decade.

"Iron Fist my ass"

Also, I don't think Spam is all that "thrifty" - where I live the cost of a can is slightly more than a similar amount of shaved ham at the deli (which I'm sure is low-quality too, but still actual meat). Save for camping or doomsday prepping, I think most folks who eat Spam must genuinely like it. (Excluding Hawaii

Saw a reaction to Season 5 along the lines of "amazing how funny this show is, even when it's markedly less funny than it was before."

Yes. Brave New World isn't super topical at the moment, given that the idea of our society valuing the work of scientists and engineers to the point we let them reshape society seems…unlikely.