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    But Chris Hardwick said this was the best half season of the show ever. ::insert rolling eyes emoji::

    With so much of the poor writing this show has gone through recently, things are not looking good for a decent Negan storyline. This does not bode well given that he has such a long comic book arc. The Governor had a shorter life span and I have to say I got tired of him real quick.

    Very true. I always get sucked into watching TD because I think I'll glean something interesting, but I rarely ever do. And all that ends up happening is I get more sick of Hardwick.

    Glad I fast forwarded through all of Morgan's scenes so to have missed this annoying conversation. I'm THAT tired of him.

    And Chris Hardwick's constant praise of every episode is maddening.

    "Daryl & Rosita *did* exercise due diligence by asking her about that off-camera, right?"