
Are they auctioning off the outfit Alison Brie wore in the "paintball" episode?

Nah, we're all good. I just used her college fund to pay the credit card bill…

Stayed at one in Singapore 'cause it was close to Universal Studios, where my daughter wanted to go.
If you have a suitcase stuffed with money that you'd like to throw away before going to the airport, I heartily recommend staying at the Hard Rock Hotel.
Between two nights there and two days standing in lines at

I got smooshed by a tiny little car and it left me horribly disfigured. Life isn't fair.

"Friends: Stranded on Gilligan's Island"
And the cast of "Seinfeld" is waiting for them there. Except for the racist one. Nobody wants to see him anymore.
On second thought, it would be all white people, so I guess there wouldn't be anyone for him to yell racial epithets at.

That actress's butt is far and away the only decent part of this show.

Reading these reviews really reinforces my decision mid-season two to flush this turd from my viewing list.
The fact that people still watch this show is proof that zombies exist.

"…it ridicules millennial attitudes toward political correctness…"

The author has some valid points regarding animals' inability to use grammar correctly and not comprehending the words they are mimicking.
For example, take that orange-colored orangutan in the over-sized suit, clown-length red tie, & ridiculous wig who seems to be on TV a hell of a lot these days. He knows how to

Now that it's been established that the FBI hires sassy gay friends for their SWAT teams, I hope there's a callback to this in some later episode when Titus is looking for a job.

The guy on the motorcycle could easily be mistaken for Kenny Powers and the girl looks like her picture might be on a milk carton.

Very risque of AVC to prominently feature a picture of a great big throbbing dick for this article…

That's just swell…Now where am I going to go to get my racial stereotypes reinforced?
Guess I'll just have to watch Jeff Sessions' news conferences on Fox, like everybody else…

Pro Tip: when telling a joke, make sure to include the punchline. I think the writer forgot to tell us what witty retort the precocious teen lobbed at Mr. Spadeist.

One with millions of Instagram followers and minimal parental supervision.

-We should do something.
-When do you get off?

HBO CEO of Tits: "The Tits of Dorne"

It was their own personal Vietnam, STDs and all…

I'll bet you a c-note that isn't true!