Johnny Thunder

I see what you're saying, although I guess neither of us can be proved right because we're dealing in hypotheticals. There are plenty of male comedians who, if attached to this project, would elicit even more vitriol - Sandler, Schneider, Kevin James. Likewise, I think many people would be reacting better if this were

Yet so much of what we've seen from this movie justifies a lot of those early reactions. I was concerned from the start that this was going to be yet another 80s remake, with the gender-bending of the cast being little more than a gimmick. I think you can make a very good all-female Ghostbusters movie, but I would've

Are the MRA cockweasels really that big of a deal, though? It's like Gamergate. The "organization" is not nearly as big as the media likes to make them seem; the outsized amount of attention they receive arguably makes them more powerful than if we just (rightfully) ignored a lot of their bluster.

Her shtick is really sexually aggressive too, to the point of harassment or arguably sexual assault. But it's just played for laughs…?

I love Celtic Woman!

I am arguing that it's worse than Yellowface, especially at this point in society and our culture.

My personal favorite is her star turn in Steve Martin's The Pink Panther.

Yes, and it would be silly and disrespectful for a foreign production to interchange Native Americans with white Americans simply because they're all Americans. (Just look at the backlash JK Rowling got)

Casting a Han Chinese actor would still be marginalizing Tibetans, and also feed into the "Mystical Asian" narrative. Tilda Swinton was pretty good casting considering this damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't situation Doctor Strange put them in.

Well, that's an incredibly ignorant, simplistic, and American-centric way to be painting a country with over a billion people belonging to over 50 different ethnic groups (fun fact - not everyone in China is the same!).

Casting Tilda also allows them to sidestep the thorny issue of Tibet. China doesn't really like acknowledging them, and Marvel wants Doctor Strange to play in as many territories as possible. Making The Ancient One not a stereotype and - more importantly - not Tibetan is important to the Asian box office.

Yet, when Agents of SHIELD originally came out, it was attacked for being "too white," despite having 2(!) Asian-American women in the main cast (who aren't related to each other!)

You mean like they did by turning it into Tilda Swinton?

I think what's bugging me is many portrayals of gay men have that "atypical example of a gay character" quality to them that it gets a little old/bothersome. But this observation also involves politics within the LGBT community itself, from body shaming to racism and internalized homophobia.

I don't need to list every show, I was giving examples. But if you want more, The Real O'Neals has had this issue (although it is a coming-of-age story, so it makes sense). Holt in Brooklyn 9-9 doesn't really have much of a gay community outside his husband.

But there are multiple major Native American parts in Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Both of Jackie Lynn's parents are. And two is a much higher number than most shows have.

I watched the whole series, and while the pilot was good, the show as a whole was insanely frustrating. None of the huge plot twists had any repercussions beyond the first two minutes of the next episodes, there wasn't really any major face-off with the main villain until the last act of the finale, and there were

It's not Titus this season who's bugged me, it's his construction boyfriend. I'm kinda tired of the "but I'm not like those OTHER gays!" depictions all over the place - Modern Family, Happy Endings, this…

Ok, that's a lot of confidence in episode 4. I'll watch it tonight!

So does season two get any better? I binged to this episode a couple nights ago and was barely laughing at all. Which is a shame, I really season one and watched it multiple times (except for Kimmy's stepdad and the courtroom scenes).