When you're practically guaranteed a multi-season run, it's easy to drop foreshadowing into otherwise shitty episodes.
When you're practically guaranteed a multi-season run, it's easy to drop foreshadowing into otherwise shitty episodes.
Who wants this to star Kat Dennings as Darcy from Thor and be a 30 Rock-style sitcom following her life as an intern for Natalie Portman?
Is it really? Every character in the movie is used as a prop to provide insight into the family members. Mason's girlfriend, photography teacher, the military husband… That's what supporting characters are.
That's not true; Mason's friend in the house where they were throwing the saws in eighth grade was South Asian. The classes that Mason attended were also fairly diverse.
How could that possibly be the read from that scene? I didn't really care for Boyhood, but that little subplot did a good job at illustrating how small, day-to-day stuff is what makes life meaningful - something the family didn't even get, given Arquette's following scene.
Or, you know, you could not have the bullshit debates because they're unproductive and silly, and don't really help matters at all
Was this released earlier in the UK? Or is this a rare example of a quality January release?
Aside from the Black Widow joke, there's nothing in this video that wasn't done better and before in the show.
People get paid to write this? Seriously? Serialization didn't start with Agent Carter…
Some of Catwoman's best-known portrayals haven't been white. Halle Berry in that terrible movie for one, and Eartha Kitt back in the 60s.
No biggie. I've just heard some people say in complete seriousness what you're saying in jest and there's a bitterness behind it which confuses me!
If you can't remember the key character of the first season - Skye - I guess that's on you. She was the central figure of the show; if you can't remember her as a character, maybe pay more attention?
It kinda seems that in discussions of minority representation, Asian actors don't seem to count as minorities.
Is this vitriol needed? You criticized the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe for lack of diversity. I pointed out that its flagship TV show is actually a pretty good model of diversity on network television, doing a much better job than many of its network counterparts.
Network TV, sorry for being unclear. And "one of" does not mean "the best at".
They're able to get around it by cutting away and not having him actually be puffing away on camera (or at least, those camera tricks were what I saw in the episodes I watched).
Agents of SHIELD is one of the most-diverse casts on TV now… But that gets conveniently ignored, doesn't it?
Are they allowed to smoke on network TV? Constantine doesn't, I assumed it was a broadcast limitation.
Neither is Ellen Ripley
That's a pretty sex-negative and strange standard to use to define female characters' failings in cinema.