Turd Burglar

a sonship to God, identifying God's role of father within his triune nature.

Thanks! Always like to look at these, though we do consider most modern rabbinical traditions as stop-gaps aimed at addressing prophecies they believe to be unfulfilled. The Hebraic exegetical traditions of pre-Babylonian diaspora rabbis differed significantly from the postexilic schools Jesus was dealing w/

I see what you're saying. However, I will say that a lot of Christians that I know (myself included) are coming around to embrace the paradoxical nature in Eastern traditions of thought (Hebraic particularly) that allows for the hypostatic union to also include the literal existence of God as a corporeal entity, in

I think you may be a little confused about the premise of personhood - it's a pretty central point of the emergent church's theology that the triune God is three distinct personalities unified under a single common nature - hence the "let us create man in *our* image" statement in Genesis.