Dan Brown

Crap, I added this in earlier thread above, sorry for stealing your comment. I was surprised that more people didn't notice that, plus The Devil…'s point here.

Dude, if you hate the show why are you reading articles about its final episodes, and, furthermore, how do you expect fans of it not to react with anger at your dismissal of it when you clearly aren't even familiar with it?

I thought that was a great shout-out to Jason Seagel always complaining about his character. I must have seen at least three places (including "This is the End") where he rags on Marshall's portrayal by using the hypothetical cake story. Now the showrunners made it real as a parody of Marshall. It was actually my

Hell, a Jeeves reference would have been painfully outdated even in 2009

You win a good couple of internets for that statement not only existing, but also making absurd sense.

"American Hustle" is right up there with "This is the End" and "At World's End" for my favorite comedies of 2013 but I simply do not understand why people think it's a serious contender (it's freaking tied with "Gravity" for most nominations!). "American Hustle" is an extremely entertaining clusterfuck of a film,

I have to say, although this was not my favorite episode of the show, I think that it encapsulates every last thing that I love about Parks and Recreation. Personally, I give it an A+.

I have to say, although this was not my favorite episode of the show, I think that it encapsulates every last thing that I love about Parks and Recreation. Personally, I give it an A+.