
Lately these episodes have been feeling so overly-sentimental and cheesy (or I guess maybe only this one and the bar episode). This one in particular felt like an emotional series finale/send-off to Jess.

I attempted to over-analyze their forearms/hands to decipher who the person is behind those palm leaves, and I *think* I know who it is. But since next week will be a double elimination, it looks like they're just setting things up for a Shirley-Nina finale anyway.

Mindy wrote that episode!

"Hey yo DJ Tanner — this dance floor needs to be a Full House!"

Ron giggling. That is all.

I can't quite see past the toned-down Dr. Cox with a new hair-do in a suit.

I was wondering when Sue was going to show up this season. I thought she would be more prominently featured.