
Hey cool, just saw this now and I am, as you say, and what is known as Justin Timberlake's debut solo album, "justified".

I do not feel an ounce of sympathy for Jessa. It's about time SHE was the pawn in someone else's game, she's been the manipulative, almost psychopathic "friend" who does nothing but complain, she doesn't even help out anyone, really. She's a shitty friend to Adam but she asks to be his friend. She was the shittiest

I have hopes she will. The tag line this season is, "Nowhere to Grow But Up".

I know. This episode hit too close to home. It's infuriating but I kind of, in a masochistic way, like watching all the mistakes and fucked up things I did before the age of 25. I enjoy watching this show because it is such a contrast to what I see on Facebook and Instagram posts where you think all your peers have

I think it was necessary for Hannah to fuck things up because she wouldn't have had the realization and opportunity for growth which we witnessed last night. Hannah is stubborn and a little coddled by nature so she needed something a little bit extreme, a little bit more brutal than usual, to actually stop and learn