Scott M

Big fan here as well. Glad to see that there will be more Jesse Stone films. I wish he would do a cameo on NCIS sometime. Magnum is supposed to be back in the Navy after all! Though I suppose he'd be retired by now.

Sure, that's why I have a 2008 MacBook Pro that I have kept running by replacing the HDD and battery and maxing out the RAM, an Android phone (HTC One M8), and a Toshiba Encore 2 Write tablet running Windows, plus the Dell (ugh) my employer provides for my day job.

Comments from 1997, cool.

I feel like Eddie Murphy does that in the video for "Party All The Time" but I don't want to watch the video to make sure. So, I guess we'll never know.

Ugh, Joe Viewer. So tired of that guy.

I dunno about the US, but in Canada, book borrowing is tracked and authors get residuals based on it. So there is really no reason to be shy about admitting that you use the library. It is the one "exposure" gig that actually works in an author's favour.

Well put. I had the pleasure of seeing the show unfold in its original weekly form and it sometimes still feels like the rest of TV has not caught up to it.

The D. Case by Carlo Fruttero and Franco Lucentini. Cover by Edward Gorey. Turned out to be one of my favourite books of all time.

Bernard Hermann hasn't already gotten this? WTF, AFI.

Star Trek and numerous horror franchises, the best of them probably being Halloween. And in other cultures, plenty of franchises, some of them not bad at all (ie., Zatoichi)

I was a beta tester for this. It's OK, the reader works well enough, but the lineup of companies is pretty lackluster for the price.

The entire original cast is returning, but they are not playing their original parts. For example, Kimmy Robertson is now playing Special Agent Dale Cooper.

Go to bed, Mom!

Sure… for now.

No, they're getting those out there. Arthurian stuff, a translation of Beowulf, etc.

My old headcanon version was that it would follow the version of the French edition of the book, which combined two chapters at a time (a structure which Moore wrote to, more or less, in terms of focusing on different characters in sequence). So 6 episodes, of whatever length, each covering two issues of the book.

I said for years that if they must film it, they should make it a premium cable miniseries. But did they listen? No. Well, maybe they did, and they just took a really long time to agree. Anyway, whatever. I didn't really even mind the film. I liked the ejection of the fake alien storyline and the black freighter. It's

Dunno if this is true or not, but I heard once that when Keith Moon heard about Page and Plant & co. forming the band, he said "that'll go over like a lead balloon." Of course, Keith said a lot of things…

I'd be surprised if they ruined Nye for anyone. He came off as his usual brilliant self and the other two, well, didn't.

FYC was basically a couple of guys from a very good band that broke up (The Beat, aka The English Beat) who needed a new singer, so they found Roland Gift, and at the time critics were awfully impressed with him. The rest of that band formed General Public, which had a couple of hits and disappeared (though all of