Nancy B

There were 2 samples tested. One with George's DNA and the other was a 'mixed sample' that I assume (from dialogue) was too degraded to reveal the two distinct samples with enough alleles in each profile to be considered scientific evidence in a court of law.

Rocky - So well said!

I sure hope that season 4 has at least 10 episodes - if not 12. Six is just not enough Rectify for me! An aside, do any of you remember what episode last season showed Trey in his shed, wiping down the gun and locking it along with George's wallet in that lock box?

As soon as I saw him opening the paint can, it felt foreboding. I thought he was going to self sabotage the paint job yet I kept hoping that I was wrong…

He had sex with the hairdresser in her shop. They had gone to school together prior to him going to death row. She told him that she was happily married but just wanted to give him this…to me, it felt like a sweet scene.

I'm just hoping that the warrant includes Trey's shed! I know that Trey took the gun, George's wallet & cell phone to FL. and we know that he left the cell & wallet there BUT what did he do with the gun?

I'm not convinced that Teddy did get it…

Solid A. I must have read every review done for this episode and yours is the only one that discussed why I'm emotionally involved in these characters again and why it's even plausible for Brody not to be killed off next week. The hour passed more quickly than any hour of TV has in a long time. Glad I found this club