
Still didn't find an answer to what, specifically, about Chanel seems fun to you? Her character is meant to be hated, and clearly, it worked. She's not meant to be funny or sweet; nobody likes her. She's not sympathetic. She's an "evil" individual. Her racist could be problematic, if the other characters all supported

The minorities were the butt of some, but not all jokes. Did you miss the whole white-girl bitch-fit over the latte thing? Or the "dumb shallow white frat douche" stereotype? Or the nod to white girls being obsessed with Taylor Swift? Or the "dumb blonde" jokes? EVERYONE and EVERY stereotype is being attacked in this

I think the author is completely missing the point. The characters are PARODIES of stereotypes, that are meant to be over the top to show how ridiculous they are. Chanel is not supposed to be just "a bitch," she's meant to be so evil that it's comical. You really think a truly evil/heartless person is going to be