
Exactly, or, just follow in his boss's footsteps: currently 40 and still screaming at video games for a shit ton more money than anyone on this thread makes, I'm sure!

College is what you make of it. Know plenty of people who were pressured to go to college only to find themselves unemployed and miserable afterwards. It's 2015, you can be insanely successful without having to mindlessly regurgitate facts in an overcrowded classroom, Mr. "Friendzony". Seems to me you're upset this

Don't have anything more than a high school education? Go fuck yourself, says "Brony"! Doesn't matter your economic status, or the work you performed instead of wasting your time at a university, no, you're just a lower-level member of society. Sorry, it's just fact!

Nope, it's Ganondorf. Clearly, no one in this comment section plays Legend of Zelda.