
Penny wouldn't stand for Sheldon being asexual. Penny digs hide-the-salami. Which reminds me of a perfect plot point Lorre should pay me for: Sex-lorn Amy meets a smart, accomplished man who is attracted to her, and vice-versa, and who wants to have a normal relationship, unlike the creepy whatever-it-is she has

I was just glad they didn't make Howard drop the urn …

They weren't 'likable.' They were funny. At least until the last 2-3 seasons, when they became … kind of insane.

Um, that's 'weally unwesolvable.' Geesh.

Being 5'4 and with that giant head of his, passing on Cinnabons seems .. insufficient. Sorry, I pretty much dislike Leonard since way early, when he revealed himself as an untrusting neurotic dick when Penny had her guitarist friend stay over.

And … how can two people repopulate the earth? Their kids would have to mate. The result would not be good.

Last man on earth meets most stereotypical annoying last woman on earth. "I Love Lucy" style jokes ensue. Hip AV Club critic waxes ecstatic.

Not getting many women these days, Nathan? Surprising, as you really come across as a dildo here, chief.

Not getting many women these days, Nathan? Surprising, as you really come across as a dildo here, chief.

PA state senators make about $80K a year. Maybe Angela, who has multiple character/personality problems, collects HSN-style crap and warehouses it or something. Who knows? She collects cats, we know that. She's a huge giant monstrous hypocrite; we know that. But because 'she's an accountant" she also can 'manage

She's a complete idiot. Stupid isn't funny and I never understand the liking for this person.

The woman 'gets her feet detailed.' Perhaps she ran up tens of thousands in CC debt … now has a kid … was making not that much even for Scranton, etc. etc.

Oh yes she was …

I love critics: "Between Michael’s Halloween costume and that shot of Dwight and his bobblehead, season two has a lot of fun with representing the “two faced” conceit of the mockumentary setup." It's a stupid Michael costume and a freaking BOBBLEHEAD.

I think Erik is like, 22.

He's still an asshole; sorry. Lots of people were lonely kids and are lonely adults. His sheer idiocy and selfishness can't be dealt with, my me at least. I revel in the few moments when his staff, or anyone, calls him on it.

He's an ACTOR. Come on. I think he's great in the role, but really. Of course Michael Scott is a grade-A marital aid.

Pam was alive around Jim, and would almost physically shrink when that oafish meat-head dullard Roy would approach.

Yes, and Hitler loved dogs. Okay, okay. But really … this is a guy who humiliated people for no reason (Phyllis's oven mitt gift) and got pissed at Kevin for his cancer-upstage. Among 10,000 other things. But he hands out Halloween candy, so he's a good guy? Sorry — he should have died alone. Yes me too I guess …

Yes. Because M. Scott is an asshole.