
wow i never realized that! Mort hasn't been on in a while? Did they write that character out?

I always say Linda is the best mom on television. She unabashedly supports her kids and is loves them fully. Who wouldn't want Linda as a mom?!

I am disappointed in the B rating like many others in this thread. I do agree that the green screen somewhat pulls away from the reality of quality in an HBO show, but that can so easily be overseen with everything else going on. Between Val's insecurity and lack of control and Tom's reemergence! The scene with Tom

I think I saw it had like 450k last week so….better than 300k!

That dance scene made the episode for me, as did the last scene. I think I enjoyed this episode because it levitated some of the depressing stuff we have grown to see on the show

Besides Jess's audition and short film, this episode played more as a drama and I'm 100% fine with that. This was a great episode and they have now made stuart a likeable idiot as I had hoped. I know it's cliched territory but I love stuart and Jess. Their big scene tonight was amazing and the chemistry is great. I

I like the idea of Jessica and Stuart, despite the cliche of it all. I wouldn't see it as the girl getting the nice guy, because I wouldn't describe Stuart as the nice guy like you said. Rather, they are two people who are their most genuine around one another, both not trying to impress the other. I look forward to

This episode brought the show back into focus for me. Stuart crossed the border of desperate idiot to unsympathetic asshole last week, but this week brought him back into the former- which I love. Not to mention, there were so many laugh out loud moments in this episode (The tampax door debacle, RORY, etc) I am