
I liked Paparadscha - there was just something endearing about her.

That sure was one excellent goofy dad. A very nice episode.

I'm fairly certain correcting people's grammar and spelling is a Nazi thing.

Sigh, I don't know why I do it. Damn politics on the internet - the only way to win is not to play. I think the article's tone got me typing furious response, that we could have done without. I like Tim Allan, and I think he can have his views.

The man has courage to express his opinions against the dominant power in USA - the white, privileged liberals. I mean Trump maybe President, but he'll likely be gone in 4 years, while Hollywood, Silicon Valley will stay. Obama deported 2.5 million immigrants and white liberals didn't care - now they lecture people on

I think blind hatred against Trump supporters is not a good thing.

Trump is a symptom of problems, that neither anti-science, populist republicans, nor limousine liberal/white savior democrats are willing to address.

The film had to be an origin story and introduce the concept of magic. I think they managed to pull it off - enough freshness to the origin story, that we've watched how many times already and exposition about magic not overwhelming the film. It was a good watch and I have high expectations of the next movie, that

I've watched Doctor Strange. Now I'm waiting for the reviews, to tell me, whether I liked it or not.

Oh, a nice, fun slice of life episode. "Watches Mystery Girl walk in". Oh my god. Tension Meter 2->8. Also Steven's line about Pearl nearly letting him die.

Dippy Fresh nooooo! We hardly knew you, cool bro.

Apart from all great things in the episode, I liked how Jerry fits with the Galactic Government. You can see an extra reason Rick despises Jerry - he is essentially an ideal Galactic Government citizen. The value of his subservience was actually foreshadowed in the ''Big Trouble in Little Sanchez''.

I wonder - if Morty was as jaded and cynical as Rick, would he just let the Tiny Rick be, since he was treating Morty better and improving his social life. Like - in the grand cosmic scale of things, wouldn't ''True Rick'' be the one that's more convenient for me to have?

Wait, Gremlins 2 was bad?

Erm, so if a woman is portrayed as being unhappy in a relationship, then it equals all woman ruining relationships? I don't think this video was actively pushing the viewer to this point of view. I saw it more of an example of relationship not working out, after excitement dies down and the routine sets in. And the