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    This is so ridiculous it's comical. "…churned out without heart or meaning…" You can't be serious. There were many, but to name one, Lennon's "Julia" on The White Album is a beautiful touching heartfelt tribute to his mother. "….or any connection to anything anyone's experienced whose gotten their hands dirty…"

    This is where you have no credibility…. they were the complete opposite of what you are saying. No other band changed their sound more and had a more eclectic collection of songs than they did when you look at their entire career. There is a reason their songs are the most covered by other musicians and composers,

    Dude get over yourself. It was not the responsibility nor the focus of The Beatles, specifically John Lennon, to raise socio-political awareness. Yes they sometimes made political and social statements through their music and some of John's public protests. But Lennon himself said people always tried to make more