Matt Christensen

Salim was praying to the East, i.e. the direction of Mecca. The sun was rising in that scene as they had just spent most of the night at Jack's Crocodile Bar.

How did this miss the Stray Observations section?
May: I died
Coulson: I know. We should make t-shirts and start a club.

Who wrote the dialogue between Fitz and Simmons when they were talking about taking a vacation and where's the nearest structure we can execute them in front of? Go watch the episode again. Simmons says the line, "I wanted to take your breath away," to Fitz. Given that Fitz literally gave his breath to her to live

In the play? Mark Antony was the one who turned the people back against the conspirators after Brutus' speech.

It was good to see that 400 years and a day after Shakespeare died that the men of the Watch decided to re-enact their version of Julius Ceasar with Thorne as an evil dimension version of Brutus and Davos as Mark Antony

A bit touchy aren't we? And you have nothing to correct on my post since I was referring to/quoting "Blazing Saddles".


They were trying to escape. It was an interesting (albeit slight) change from the book (other than it being Jayne Poole in the book and not Sansa). In the book, the portion of the wall that the two of them went over was around 15-20 feet high. They did jump into a snow bank and in the book they did get up an begin

If true, there is more than one timeline. That is the specific reason why Eobard has that newspaper he looks at: to see if the Flash is no longer missing in that future. If not true, then that means that there are two Flash in the timeline we follow Barry on during this season and that in fact it is that Flash which

Then where is future Flash?

Time isn't a straight line. If Eddie lived then yes Eobard would have eventually been born as a descendant of him, but not the Eobard that was on the show. As stated, the Eobard we saw in the show came from a different time line therefore he is not related to the Eddie we see in the show.

As I noted below, Eddie killing himself shouldn't have erased that Eobard.

In retrospect (and here is the problem with time travel stories), Eobard should not have disappeared when Eddie killed himself. Here's the problem, Eobard is from the future, but not from the Barry's that we know future. This much was established in the episode it revealed him taking over the body and persona of Dr

Coulson and Fury were not building a new helicarrier; it was the same one from the first Avengers movie. Theta Protocol was the process by which it was being hidden/repaired in case there was a situation where it was ever needed again, almost as a counter-measure to Project Insight.

Agent Skye Wick

Choi's character showed up in the Season 2 opener of Agents of Shield so he is still around post Agent Carter timeline.

Important question: with the Sovereign taking the form of Jonas Sr, is he (it) of the same species which appeared through the portal in the Season 2 episode "Twenty Years to Midnight"?

Edit: Edit - Pete was in this episode. He was sitting next to Billy during the funeral.

Don't compare the two, that's harshly unfair (though I'm hard-pressed as to say towards who). SW Christmas was made by Lucas and his group whereas the CD-I Zelda's were made after a licensing agreement. Nintendo had no direct part in making those games? discs? atrocities? Can't find the right word here…

Bandai Namco Ltd had a bigger part in making this game so his inclusion wasn't that hard.