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    I never saw the movie,so no expectations. I also don't agree with the general theory that procedural = bad, I love, love the humor of this show it is so original. It is the first thing I hit when it shows up on my dvr. In the interview with the creator there was some reference to maybe having gone too far with the

    It made me think about all the film safety conversation that happened after that PA died on train tracks a while ago.

    It is on Netflix now.

    yet to be determined. The fed mentioned a name, Frank something was all I got (also mentioned in Joshua's review) but I don't think we know who that is - except that Cookie is afraid of him, which means he must be a helluva badass!

    Really interesting idea. November is truffles! The prices really aren't bad for that kind of menu/ place. If it was NY I would be there in November for sure. Off to read reviews - for curiosity sake.

    A term used in TV writing. It's things that you wouldn't actually say in
    life, but they say it on TV to help you understand what's happening in
    the story.

    I thought there was soooo much more going on there, so much subtext. Elizabeth was really asking Philip to prove that his sex with Martha wasn't the same as his sex with her. That their sex "meant" more, was more "real" then the Clark/ Martha sex. She pushed him to ratchet it up "like an animal" and so he "played

    As someone who is hard of hearing I watch everything with subtitles! I particularly have a hard time with accents so Top of the Lake might as well have been in a foreign language.

    I agree. I really loved Rectify but thought Top of the Lake was terrible.

    Just want to say the "you smell" graffiti in the accompanying photo to this excellent review made me giggle.

    I came to see if the site reviewed this show after this episode. I never cared to read about it before but this was a fantastic episode. Hope we see more of the little boy!

    She has essentially played 5 different characters:
    1.  Regular Elena
    2. Vampire Elena
    3. No humanity vampire Elena
    4. Vampire Katherine
    5. Human Katherine

    Thanks for that, I am always curious when foreign languages are spoken and you answered my usual questions.  What language and how did they do with the accent?   

    The actor who plays Marcel just isn't working for me.  He feels more weak and sleazy then strong and scary.  It is disappointing because I love all three "Original" actors and even Phoebe Tonkin has improved.