
I didn't feel this episode was slow at all… kind of like an elastic band that was slowly, slowly being pulled back, and God knows when it will snap and everything goes to shit.

Thank God the show finally focused on Skye for once!

Frank being a terrible fit for the Presidency is a necessary step in the story because it sets up his fall for the end of the series. Now that he's out of his depth, it's easier for him to lose control, make missteps and for people to start seeing through his bullshit. The whole point of the show is to watch the

That arc had already been more or less done with Peter Russo, which was far more compelling and concerned (IMO) a far more interesting character. Three seasons in, and I remain convinced that Corey Stoll was still the best thing to ever happen to House of Cards.

It made complete sense to me that Frank would be an unpopular President. His strength lies in the Iago role - scheming and plotting in the shadows, where he could extend charisma to an extent to win people over for a short while, but discard them when necessary.

I don't even remember. I want to assume Philip didn't know because his reaction was just too amusing.

I literally feel as though I'm watching a Twin Peaks scene featuring Bob.

Much like Scorsese once called The Age of Innocence the most violent film he'd ever made (in terms of emotional stakes and wellbeing) I kind of feel that, on the same note, this was one of the most violent episodes of The Americans yet.

Ha, it's funny that you bring up Agent Carter, because this week's episode focused on the Russians and in doing so brought up one of my biggest TV pet peeves: foreign characters talking to each other in English, but with badly mangled accents. I was thinking, The Americans would never do this!

I love Mad Men, but I'm ready for The Americans to take its place.

Love Yazoo. Actually I love the whole synthpop/New Wave era of the 80's. Loved how the show used Don't Go in this episode.

I hope the EST guy does end up calling Philip up in front of the group at one point.

Hearing Yazoo during this episode made me realise that the only reason Elizabeth hasn't defected to America/The West is because she hasn't heard Depeche Mode's 'Black Celebration' yet. (For those of you who may be unaware, Vince Clarke of Yaz was/is a former member of DM).

Well… as long as neither Philip or Elizabeth disappear and become mysterious lumberjacks at the end of the series, I think the show will be fine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"I also feel like they should call this show Schmuck Bait, because it's largely predicated on exposing its central characters to dangers that will never seriously harm them."

"I know the law, Stan."

I wonder what was going through Elizabeth's mind during that scene?

Now now… everyone on that show is a hapless moron.

What, no mention of everyone's favourite Terror Couple, Carrie Mathison and Nicholas Brody! For shame!

Honest to God, the spurned Audrey x Dale relationship was the FIRST thing that came to mind as I was reading this article.