
While I am not a Michael fan (reminds me of all the dorky guys I work with)…the wedding had me all teary eyed and actually happy for her. My predictions for next season are 1) Rafael will get Anezka pregnant. 2) Michael will be temporarily paralyzed and not able to perform his husbandly duties which will cause him

But don't you see that all the time…women who accept shady behavior from men especially wrt fatherhood because they feel like he's not treating me like that so it must be something wrong with her as to why he's not a good dad or faithful husband or whatever.

I love that Rafael broke it down for Petra…we are never ever ever…getting back together! Even more surprising, she seemed to actually hear it and be truly regretful of her impulse to impregnate herself. Honestly though I can't really see Petra being a mom and I don't think she can either now that it is reality. Even