Andrew Mayer

It remains the worst film I've ever seen in a theater (that wasn't being viewed in an intentionally ironic manner). No amount of apologies undo that. That's what this thread is responding to, right?

Batman & Robin for me. The film wasn't just bad, it was aggressively stupid and lazy. The palpable stink of "don't give a sh@t" was all over that movie.

Is the Stern run on Unlimited? I'll check it out!

People were real excited about that Alias show!

They're a cloned warrior race. What else would they wear? I mean, except for the occasional Victorian era suit.

It could be worse. They could have replaced Martin's plotting with a series of ridiculous coinciden… Oh, right.

Interesting. But this is the tv series, and he's the only other Bravosi she could run into.

So… What's the over/under on Syrio's return?

Hound's got some choppin' ta do.

Agreed. Why the hell else would he be back?
There will be fire!

Like it or hate it, it's 0% more self-indulgent than his earlier work.

Yeah, but they won't get fooled again.

Even though he has major actors in it, Chef is exactly the kind of return to earlier form that you're accusing the folks on this list of being unable to make. In fact, that's exactly what the whole movie is about, and it succeeds spectacularly.

I'd be willing to bet this never gets further than the TV series did.

You could say that for practically everything that isn't Google or Amazon.

The world is hollow and I have touched the sky.

He just wants to make the woman he loves happy. That's about as far from nihilism as you can get.

Darwinland: Enter at your own risk!

How many men turn into lizard creatures in Limelight?

He only does it when things have a happy ending.