
This is a fucking farce, really this is beyond a joke. Anthony Scaramucci is the most outright insane man I have ever seen. He has nothing to say, and just spews out nonsensical bull shit and tie up any interview with completely incoherent, stunted or outright untrue words.

i hated this album the first few times I heard it, but now I think its really good. Not up to the standard of the first 4 but an enjoyable album all the same.

Yeah but there's no story to it. She found bb-8, the millennium falcon, han solo and Luke's light sabre all on the same day? Incredible

Yup, after the Comey questioning, its apparent that McCain is just really adept at looking inept. He will beat his chest for the cameras and then fudge it.

I think it hit at a particular time, and they were relatively unknown in 2005 they were a godsend. It felt like they could be a new romantic Pixies but they chose the new U2 route. It had some absolutely stellar songs and a few misses. It depends on whether you can take the rest of their output as a progression or

please make it stop. make it end

This is a really bad sign for these movies. JJ just regurgitated the original trilogy in TFA, Edwards was more or less fired, in that the reshoots are made by another director and now this. Doesnt leave much hope for it really as a franchise. I know Marvel have had issues but you would not get Guardians Vol 1 & 2

I wish they would make some commitment to it… it makes me sad that it didnt fulfill the "prophesy"

It's great with a few subpar episodes but the additions to the cast really clicked. It's not the first two seasons, and it has a bittersweet feel to it while Jeff comes to terms with his idea's of the future. It really looks at what they came into Community as, and why they have to move on…. Actually I'm going to

Thats not the point, they discourage regulation after such an atrocity, while draped in the flag, it is purely monetary reasons they do not want it regulated. Why should a tv show be pulled for a shooting that targets the GOP, when the GOP are pro-guns, even to the point that mentally challenged people are allowed to

They should leave it play, mostly GOP members blocked the attempt to regulate gun control after Sandy Hook. Why be sensitive to it now?

Is this an issue because its the pretense that this is what we associate with Entourage? Dont get me wrong, its not right but is this news because of the show?
She was scantily clad in episodes of Community… I get that she is very talented but that is part of what she is hired for. She is objectified and much of what

I didn't go to see them in Ireland on the end of the King Animal tour. I put it off, they would be back this way again!
Don't wait on why it's too late and get stuck in. Don't find a reason to put it off. Go for it. Start from the beginning or don't, they had an amazing progression.

Jesus Christ, this is hard to accept. It's trivial but it's a gut punch to me. My condolences to his family and friends.
He was a unique artist, his voice, lyrics and aura… I just can't believe it ended this way.

The thing is Spicer has a conscience, and the cognitive dissonance is the sad part of all of this. He is hiding in the bushes because he has an impossible task of trying to make Trump look legit and like a good leader.

Not an ounce of class amongst these pig fuckers. Shows Palin's decency that she would take a cheap shot at Clinton, completely oblivious to the fact that she sunk McCain's campaign and made zero contribution to her state before jumping ship for a book deal. It's a tough time to see these cretins have their moment in

Ugh, PJ and TM have been in bed making millions from each other for 20 years since their brief quarrel. PJ are not a punk band that can stand the discomfort but one that literally released an album called 'Yield' soon after this case…. its not thing against them. They are better philanthropists than a band that go

That the American media reports this performance as presidential is scary. I see a bloated reptile pretending to read because he has set the bar so low that perusing some reading material passes as study and that performance with the widow is the lowest of low, and his mannequin fuck buddy fantasy daughter of his

Jesus Christ. What was the point of this conference? He keeps shitting on his'enemies' and telling them how he's having a good time. What the hell is going on? What rattled him to draw him out like this? He is making the US look like a bunch of fucking idiots. I notice that the whole snowflake term has died down too,

"Dude" I am not just saying black people here, it goes for ethnic roles being filled by white men and women. It fits the same pattern. And what does that matter anyway? Is African-American the correct term for an Irish woman descending from Nigeria?