
In retrospect, one thing I would have liked to see was the families of the CO hostages. For all the news reports they showed, there wasn't a single shot of someone's mom crying or begging for them to be released. Or even working with the governor/state police/MCC to learn more about the negotiations? They must be

I vaguely remember Alex taking pictures of herself pretending to be dead and sending them to Kubra

we have them in Philly too!

I wish I knew that before… going into this show I was expecting some kind of cool murder mystery because that's what all the press seemed to be about. On that aspect, I was also disappointed in the end.

The closed captions also credited that character as Robert Ford

I could tolerate it in the original series and perhaps blame it on the fact that she was young/in college and whatnot but seeing that she's still the same way in her 30's is just ridiculous to me. She seems to have had no growth whatsoever, which I would be fine with if I believed she was a character we're supposed to

He could have been wearing a plastic cover and simply ditched it. We know he didn't shower and clean up, but how do the cops know? He was in that house night pretty much


I was crying and in shock, and I didn't realize she actually died until the very end, and then that just made me cry more because I was like "WTF is this show doing???"

Well, yeah sure. But I don't really feel bad for her so it just makes me dislike her character

That scene really turned Nicky's character for the worse for me…Borderline rape-y and just disgusting in general. I felt so bad for Morello

I actually like the Parrish/Lydia stuff, I think they have great chemistry. The age difference doesn't really bother me. I could totally see why the show would want to go there, they make a nice pair.

Definitely not Penn…

I am SO intrigued by Parrish (or as I like to call him, Hot Cop). Ever since he was introduced last season, we knew he had to be some kind of supernatural. I'm hoping he's not one of the "bad" guys, and instead joins up with the pack. I wouldn't even mind having him fill Derek's role if Hoechlin leaves. At least he'd