
50% length of everything else? Couldn't we just record both halves of everything else? Hmmm……

These points are all well taken, but this article is about 10x longer than required due to an enormous deal of repetition.

Hey look! Publicity!

You're clearly a tool of Big Gravity.

Seems to be that he did minimal trekking, at best. Disqualified.

Just for reference, can you name some of these films, "that promote Islam/Buddhism/Hinduism the way this [film] promotes Christianity?"

I don't feel at all creepy saying this is the breast thing I've read today.

I really don't understand the claims that Freeman's Watson is one-dimensional. Can you explain what more they'd need to do to develop him?

Clearly we disagree. Back to "Law & Order: Conan Doyle Unit" with you both.

With the exception of the Baskerville episode, everything "Sherlock" does is better than "NCIS: Baker Street" on CBS; Zack nearly admits as much.

This article might as well be titled, "I prefer the American style of production."

Maybe it was just the build up of this very long article but, when I finally listened to the song, I was expecting something far more… head-fucking… than I got.

No u.

The important thing is to retroactively reassess everything you once enjoyed so you can realize that you never should have enjoyed anything at all.