internet person

i saw the movie last night and i really enjoyed it, even the ending. although part of me was like "pick a genre!" i really thought it was a cool "out of the frying pan and into the fire" type scenario. the movie was really good and i like the idea of creating a series of films that all have different twilight-zone-ish

where does clue fit in to all this?

also who was max von sydow's character supposed to be i feel like since he's old he should be linked to the original trilogy in some way, which is also how i feel about snoke

bro relax its just a movie bro


am i the only one who thinks its a shame they haven't used "intergalactic"?

overall the film's portrayal of rorschach seemed spot-on to me but what really bothered me was that when i read rorschach's dialogue in the comic, i always thought it was some sort of disaffected monotone (which would be fitting since he's such a traumatized sociopath.) but the actor who portrayed rorschach instead

say what you will, the book with the mirror that sucks kids in and spits out exactly mirrored replicas of the original kids scared the shit of me. the scene that freaked me out was when the protagonist ventured INTO the mirror and the tormented souls of all his best friends came to him and tried to coax him to join

okay so the last movie they starred in together was adventureland, where at the end they both leave their lives behind to run away and live together. they also smoked a decent amount of pot in that movie. is it reasonable to believe that this movie is a functional sequel to adventureland?

i always liked the movie, even though it seems like one of those movies where the fan base totally missed the point, which is honestly where i think it garners a lot of the criticism it gets.