
Plus, Hannibal was almost always focused on emotion. The whole show was 100% emotional storytelling. Mr. Robot….sometimes tells emotional stories. Other times it's logical. And it can't seem to decide which it is.

Mr. Robot definitely feels cold, very much in a David Fincher House of Cards way. The camerawork often reminds me of House of Cards too, along with it's soliloquies. But it also lacks the nudge-nudge feeling House of Cards had with it's audience-aimed dialogues. It just….lacks something.

I loved it! Up until that whole alien subplot kinda shoved itself in there and left relatively undressed. But season 2 held up the longest of the 4, I think

I've been saying that after every single season

I just started watching Mr. Robot, but I'm having a hard time watching it. It's almost like they see cool things that other shows do, so they copy-paste them without the context that made them special.

I heard it was supposed to be him, but now Fox is just gonna direct it by committee

Don't think of it as a camp movie parody. David Wain movies (in my opinion) are always trying to subvert your expectations, at nearly every possible turn. Just when the scene starts to make sense, a talking can of vegetables tells you that he can suck his own dick, and he does it a lot. Think Monty Python, or

Not gonna lie, that could've been a lot worse, Internet

Well to be fair, that was during Season 6. NOBODY wants to remember Season 6.

You're right, who in their right mind wears a white suit to the AMAZON??

I also have pretty vivid memories of action sequences from both (like the fantastic slo-mo forest scene in the second one)

Fitzcarraldo was a damn good movie, wasn't it?


As someone who HAS seen all the MCU movies…that's really all they are.

I recently had a long discussion with my family convincing them that Guardians of the Galaxy takes place in the same cinematic universe as The Avengers. They (apparently) thought they had just seen a fun sci-fi action movie, not a Marvel superhero movie.

This can't be Mason, this description completely lacked inappropriate sexual jokes

"Commanding" the "ship"

"Who needs two robots?"

I've never been more excited than the time Lawrence Fishburne showed up after the credits of Iron Man