
Or a census taker

At the very least, it looks energetic. That's usually a hard thing to fake, right? Right?

Ha ha…?

I'll never forget those fantastic trailers for the title-less movie. All we had was a date: 1-18-08.

I wasn't a fan, but if TDKR was Nolan being forced to make a movie he didn't want to, it was pretty darn alright

Asking for scientific accuracy from a movie about a man who can shrink to the size of ants and control them with his mind is a clear sign you're in the wrong movie theater

This video is far more coherent than Rihanna's, suprisingly

Is this video series a sequel to "Every Frame a Painting"?

Yes, and I'm really hoping it proves me wrong and is COMPLETELY different. Mads is great, that movie was not.

I hope Nintendo stays weird.

I've missed those guitars

What if this is the beginning of a Batman Lego universe that is made up entirely from the cast of Arrested Development?

Wow these are nearly unwatchable, the audio sounds like he recorded this using a can

Then: Each of the pages shown in The Shining were created by hand, and approved by Kubrick himself.

These are the kinds of things I like spending entire days learning about

Halloween + Terminator = The Guest


Suuuuuuuper Crappy Waste Of My Time, Internet


Well THAT's not Hannibal