Oh, I'm not saying I don't have issues, and probably have managed to overthink my way out of sex on many an occasion.
Oh, I'm not saying I don't have issues, and probably have managed to overthink my way out of sex on many an occasion.
Has anyone else seen the Marines recruiting commercial that's shot from a first person shooter style? Does anyone but me think it's kind of shitty?
I wish I had the option. I've been to some big cities where the public transportation was pretty good, but all my state has is a bus line that the routes and travel times are atrocious. If I didn't absolutely need a car, I would drop it in a second. It's such a complete money suck, and seeing that it's eight years old…
I liked Extras as well.
I always start a conversation with any woman who seems interested in me with " Look, I've gone through chemotherapy, so if you're trying to invite me out for a drink, slip me a Mickey, and harvest my organs and leave me in a seedy motel bathtub filled with ice, you're wasting your time. "
I lived in New Haven, Connecticut for about a year and got so into walking and taking the bus that the battery n my car completely died. Public transportation in Delaware is a joke, so I have to drive.
Do you live in a city and don't really need a car? I miss having that option.
One of my friends inherited one from her grand-mom. It was a beast.
What Was Your First Car Thread?
In that picture it looks like her lips belong on a " Mrs. Potato Head " doll. They look off center, like the kid who put them on wasn't very bright.
I think Best Buy has possibly the worst Christmas commercial. They end the ad with the slogan " Not only will they love their gift, but they'll love you! " Man, if someone is not going to love me for getting them the wrong thing that they probably didn't need in the first place, then the only present they deserve is a…
The fact that he mocked the reporter with the disability was really fucking classy. If a Democrat had done that they'd be run out of town on a rail. The fact that he still has any support makes me think we need a good " The Stand " style virus to thin out the herd. Hell, infect me with it and I'll hit as many Trump…
The Red Clay consolidated school district recently revoked my high school diploma for my consistent misuse of the words " literally " and " figuratively " Words is hard…
" If Obama doesn't defund Planned Parenthood, I'm going to hold my breath until I turn blue! "
You know, I'm willing to overlook the bank bail outs, the bad trade deals, the drone policy, the crackdown on whistleblowers, and the continuation of a lot of failed policies. Now he goes and casually brushes aside a quality Marvel television show so he can blather on about how great the country is doing is just one…
Dear Savage Dan,
Seriously. It seems like every time I would start sleeping with a new woman, her cycle would change. If you want to see someone actually turn " white as a ghost " bang me a couple of times and then tell me you're " Late ". I think my reaction to that statement cost me a couple of relationships….
I was very hesitant to post that comment for fear of coming off as a douchebag. I heard it from her best friend that that was the way it played out though. I consider the child that was born as my nephew, because he's a great kid. But when he was in third grade, his parents were about to get divorced, and he started…
It's funny, but not " Ha - Ha " funny about the rise of venereal disease at old age homes. My dad got a vasectomy after he divorced my mother because he thought he was going to be a " swinging single man ". Then the AIDS Epidemic exploded a year after he had the procedure and he had to begrudgingly wear rubbers anyway.
[ Chris Pratt voice ]