
- We see Nymeria dragging a body out of the river in a long shot
- Cut to Beric and Thoros in the BWB camp , they realise something is afoot.
- Thoros saying the words , Beric sacrifices himself , closeup to an eye opening Lost-style , and pull back to reveal Catelyn Stark

Pet Theory : I think the show will substitute Greatjon Umber for Wyman Manderly . He wasn't at the Red Wedding , it's a face the audience is already familiar with and he is already associated with loyalty to Starks. Plus where were Rickon and Osha headed off to at the end of last season ? Last Hearth , seat of House

Same here . Felt more natural and flowed really well . Daenerys bit was really strong and Locke at the wall seemed to work nicely . I feel like a lot of the 'casual' viewers are in for the WTF moments ( and the show failed to make a strong case for the north as a point of interest after the 1st season , which they


I went to see Wye Oak playing in Istanbul on Saturday. I tried to convince my friends to come along with me but they were unfortunately unenthusiastic about it and my only friend who listens to them passed on it due to what i assume to be girlfriend-time reasons . The weather was cold so i was kind of on the fence