Sí amigo, todos estamos en la playa Disqus
Sí amigo, todos estamos en la playa Disqus
"Claiming" she asked for it.
"third wave feminist" is an accurate description of… 3rd wave feminism… no? it's distinct in it's political goals and more importantly methods. I don't know of any other way to refer to it. I mean.. it's not like I said "social" "justice" "warrior" :)
You're… well.. wrong.
Violence is never the answer Lauralee. I know you didn't mean to say that. I know you'll come to regret it someday.
If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding.
Let me be perfectly clear.
If you think this issue is about rape apologists or victim blaming you haven't been paying attention.
This is ABSOLUTELY about political activists (3rd wave feminists) using digital media and identity politics to push an agenda and media companies perpetuating outrage to gain revenue. This is…
She wants to share her narrative. Which I totally get… but her sheer volume is disproportionate to the issue. She posted probably 40 times in this single article about her experience. Maybe it's cathartic. Maybe she's proselytizing.. but to me as an outsider, its kindof a perfect example of how feminists derail issues…
You seem really angry Zach. Why do you think that is? Is it because you know that invalidating someone elses experience to further a political cause is in fact a terrible thing? Perhaps… you're angry because you're a bit guilty?
Except I never told you "how things are", nor did I deny your truth. I simply said this is not about you. Because it's not. Humility is a wonderful thing.
"Trust us, we know [about twisting others words to serve our political agenda]"
The stakes are too high. Third wave feminists destroy their cause when they deny others personal experiences and police thoughts and actions that don't adhere to their dogma. This is a 60+ year old women for christsakes? And you'd deny her personal experience to further a cause?
Genuine change cannot be affected by…
You might want to get your sarcasm detector checked up and recalibrated youngling.
I literally laughed out loud. What an odd reply! Sorry, I missed you on that comment.
Purple banana!
I've said things of substance. You've… well… posted oddly personal attacks. You seem really invested in this.
Oh youngling… sigh…. keep pushing dude. I'm confident you'll direct that passion in a more meaningful way as you grow older. Good luck!
So… I don't have a right to say your conclusions are wrong? That your personal experience didn't happen? That you didn't interpret the events "correctly"? And that what you're posting here is inaccurate?
Not in the least. Sorry bro. :(
It's not helping.
I get it - you're policing her thoughts - in her personal memoir.