
Oh, but if you were a 6'5, stocky, bearded, good-looking black detective…yum!

I agree that Cherry was cruel to Alison IN THIS ONE CONVERSATION wherein Alison demanded she reveal secret financial information about the generations-old family ranch after having an affair on her son after nursing her through grief brought on by haughtiness keeping a child from going to the hospital resulting in his

Every grandmother I have ever known would wish the death of a daughter-in-law over her grandchild. Every single one.

Except why is the mother solely responsible for guarding a daughter's sexuality?! If Noah hadn't been mooning over a frickin' waitress, he should have been helping his wife watch ALL their kids cuz he's a parent too!

Because people deny themselves a lot of things EVERY DAY because of principles & morals & ethics while others plunge ahead doing any and everything that looks or feels good with seemingly no consequences or far-future repercussions. It's good to see wrongs receive quick, just rewards.
JUDGMENT does not equal ETERNAL

Max's women/stock market analogy was great! Hard-won wisdom born of a deep loss delivered by an old friend SHOULD be taken seriously but…new duck lips are… compelling?

No, I think Alison shagging Mr. Small-Town Sleaze happens all the time in real life - it's a small town, who else are you gonna shag?! For this story, Oscar hinted several times that Alison was 'popular' in high school, she's got a hippie-free-love Mother who undoubtedly imparted some of that wisdom, she's showering

YEESSSS and it really bugs me how both women keep making little 'moues' with their mouths as if they think their lips are cute(?!)!

I also wondered why Alison had Cole's bag as she got on the train…

"Logically, Alison's actions made no sense to me. So reckless!! If she
and Noah aimed to keep their affair secret, why oh why would Alison
empty the bottle" - You've obviously never heard of the other woman intentionally leaving evidence of her existence for the wife to find (scratches, perfumes/glitter, panties)?

And the fact that pinhead-ism runs in their family!

It's his fetishization of very light-skinned Black women and White women. It's a common fetish among Black men, the ones who fetishize, that see things common to white women viewed as the best things to be: adoring, pure, smart-but-nonthreatening, beautiful and sexy. Wet white women's hair is seen as sexy as it is

As a grown woman, the Cosby daughter should keep her mouth shut comparing her father's parenting to his sexual proclivities! No child knows, or should know, what kind of sex their parents like, their dark fantasies or what concessions to fidelity have been negotiated. Does she know that her mother didn't allow him

He could come out and say: I've never used drugs, period and everyone who ever worked with me knows that. I've never joked about slipping women Mickeys in their drinks to make them more pliable for sex. I never partied without my wife nearby and made it a point to stay away from questionable situations with women

In addition to loudly and vociferously denouncing the horrid nature of the heinous crime, if I were accused and I had the money Cosby does…I would simply hire an investigative firm to go back in my personal and professional calendar and PROVE that I was nowhere near the places nor with the people that accused me on or

But ask yourself why Mark would have married Valerie in the first place? Because Actresses are known for being 'reserved put others before themselves' types. So, why be surprised that she acts completely according to character when an opportunity arises?

Mark is a rich man who wanted a beautiful, glamorous (if vacuous) trophy wife to worship and serve him which is why he chose Valerie. She signed on with him for security and support as "I'm It" ended and she aged out of the business. I hate to say it (as a realistic feminist) but she broke the contract by neglecting

Do you have the same quality concerns about Paulie G's fat suit? His huge belly all but disappears when he's getting a massage. In almost every scene he's seen stuffing his face obsessive-addictively (just like Gigi and her kale chips). I think they're showing all the indignities Mickey is facing as he battles

He will reside forever in my heart as ADEBISI !!! And no one, NO ONE could go toe-to-toe with him!! Why he isn't a bigger villainous star, I don't know!

We're living in a SOCIETY, people!