
I've coined the phrase "Black Man-itis", a condition wherein moderate success in one area produces the grandiose idea that one is a learned expert in all other areas and should shout ill-considered notions whenever a microphone is nearby.

Hey Highly-Influencial Cooking Show that could launch my career,

I know; right?! To every.single.thing.you.wrote!

I loved this show & the finale was epic. But, why do we know this Jeannie person? She's got an annoying "I'm really a star too" vibe on the wholly unnecessary 'Making of" aftershow segments. And for God's sake, take off that motorcycle jacket!
…Yeah, something about her I just didn't like.

There's always ONE…who makes it his job to find the exceptions…thereby negating the universal truth that everyone knows…call him Captain Denis Rasism popping anywhere and everywhere systemic racism is being discussed.

Touche…I meant pseudo-ethnic, read: Black (but not too dark).

Nope, I know exactly who he is. On his first show, where his whole schtick was about race, he and Wanda Sykes congratulated and high-fived while exclaiming how great it was to have married White women. Sykes waxed rhapsodic about in-vitro or AI with her French partner to produce White babies while Black children

Vin has more than one screw loose. Any Black man who does not acknowledge he is BLACK and fights to project some ambiguity into his ethnicity/race is PASSING plain and simple. That he has found fame and fortune being just that ethnically-questionable (to White people only) has only fed his narcissism (see YouTube

Because Kamau Bell isn't charming or witty and has nothing NEW to say. Being a troll-haired hipster who uses the n-word does NOT a successor to Dave Chapelle!

Revamped the 007-prototype to skew younger, more cerebral, with a lethally-trained, street-fighter aesthetic backed by the still-shadowy-government agency aided with GPS technology, the promo still follows the trope of Bourne proving his bad-assery with a 1-punch knockout of a proto-ethnic dude. Sigh.

Well, if dragons are anything like dogs, they should have sensed Tyrion's wonderment, overall kind spirit and good intentions. Plus, that story of asking Tywin for a little dragon had to resonate with them!

Thought that was cool wordplay on Roose's part to let Ramsay know that he knew about all his goings-on…except he didn't really know his mad dog as well as he thought.

Young, dumb and full of … you'd think that he would have gone to war with the High Sparrow for locking up the new bride he wanted to spend every day 'playing' with! Nah, he's just the witless product of incest.

Don't count out Bryndon "The Blackfish who stepped out to take a leak and all hell broke loose" Tully!! As soon as he shakes and tucks, the Greyjoys (ETC: Freys) are due for some killin'! Remember his no-nonsense, level-headedness in putting Robb's nephew in his place…

Very clearly that writer was not. Neither Sigourney Weaver nor Geena Davis have what has EVER been a traditional shape nor one desired by the masses - they're simply too tall. Further, across the spectrum of desirable shapes for women throughout the ages, with some variation for regional, cultural differences, the

And the bones in her chest…

Maybe you would feel like Phil if, after so many years of marriage to someone America has brainwashed the world into thinking is the most desireable (scary thin, blonde, bland, neurotic), you started to see the light. Confronted by your father-in-law eschewing of the blondes in favor of DIFFERENT, you started to

"Super tall but in shape" means you've seen either of them benchpress some impressive weight, run the mile in under four minutes, have a resting heartrate of XX-bpm or did you really mean "without flesh that I find unsightly"? Stop using 'in-shape' to mean attractive to you because you can't SEE health, don't know

But I'm betting you find Fallon definitively deserving of Carson's chair despite the fact you can't name a single noteworthy character AND he couldn't get through a sketch without laughing at NOTHING! Give us your opinion about The Blacks again, Donald…

What kind of pass are you giving to the Colin Jost's of the world (or any other practically-interchangeably faceless Blando-beings) that have graced SNL? The kind that speaks of Lack-Of-Color-Privilege-to-be-less-than-mediocre-without-criticism? Start asking yourself why your mind demands 'absolutes' that a person