Ezra Pound Axe King

First we crack the shell… THEN we crack the nuts inside!

I can't read this segment any more. It hurts my music holes.

Well played, sir.

That's pressure cooker of an environment for Altered Beast mastery!

Dem beers, tho

I played this endlessly on my old Sega at home- no quarters necessary- and I didn't even make it to the golden werewolf level. It was crazy hard!

I know it is really nerdy, AV Club, but when do we find out the winners of the dead pool? I can't do all of that math to work it out…

I totally would have listened to that conversation.

Catwoman… maybe that's the problem…

And they said the Clone Saga was convoluted…

I do love me some Hawkman, though!

Iron man… giant meh

Can't find a clevermaaaaaaaaahhhn

That last episode has certainly rekindled my excitement for a few book-plots that I thought they were going to skip completely…

I was sad when they didn't keep Varys killing Kevan and Pycell with a crossbow.

Aren't mooses and elks the same thing? I'm from Australia if that helps explain my ignorance to this

Me too. Dammit.

The Targ's genetic disposition to madness sets in…

Shades of Jenna Maroni