
No, Walt did.

It'd still be circumstantial.

Or did he?

I'll agree on the Chuck reveal. it was extremely obvious that he was setting Jimmy up. Doesn't make it a bad episode.

This now brings the copy shop into play. They will interrogate the kid from the shop, who will no doubt admit to being paid by Jimmy.

Oh hai Blake

Ok, seriously. They cannot make us wait a fucking year. Next season needs to air in October. For fucks sake.

In my next book…a couple gets attacked by…a lamp monster!

Your roommate is a whore who lets 16 guys run a train on her for 98 dollars an hour.

Wow. Terrible. Just terrible. I tried to watch this after giving up on it last season, hoping that it could at least provide some mindless entertainment, which TWD at the very least manages to achieve every now and again.

LOL yeah fuck character development

Are you still upset that Sons Of Anarchy ended? It's ok, Fear The Walking Dead is still on.

In what way did they get the reaction wrong? People cheer for free booze

I've never had shots bought for the house in my life, nor have i heard of it happening to anyone i know.

Zombie Jax rides bitch seat to Daryl while Katey Sagel sings "In the Arms of the Angels".

The AV Club: Pretending a woman has ever gotten naked in front of us.

Yep. I remember one of my idiot friends saying Skyler was wrong for being mad at Walt for making meth. Like lol WHAT?

Just wait til you see next season. Rick's doing…stuff.

It's in 2002/2003