
Chuck laid it out very matter of factly, and Him know Jimmy as well. It's not hard at all to accept that Kim believed Chuck.

What i take from this is that it wasn't Chuck sabotaging Jimmy multitudes of times over the years that made Jimmy act, but Chuck hurting Kim. Jimmy didn't want to screw Chuck over at all, but Chuck hurt Kim, which Kimmy refused to let slide.

They've been spoiled by dramatic masterpieces such as Sons Of Anarchy, Low Winter Sun, and The Walking Dead.

The only thing better would be a Walking Dead/Kurt Sutter joint effort.

His own arrogance put him there. This was a long time coming.

Pryce by a mile.

The people complaining are those who are hungover from last night's surely enthralling episode of Fear The Walking Dead.

I was actually fist pumping thought the Kim and Chuck part.

Not really. Chuck is far too arrogant to accept that he would have made a mistake. He knows Jimmy all to well, and it's not surprising in the least that he knows almost instantly that it was Jimmy.

Fuck you Chuck!

You are truly pathetic

"Who knows what damage this is going to do to our society"

I think those are more up your ally.

Wow. You are pathetic.

LOL. I see that there is no reasoning with you. Yep, nothing jeopardizes our freedom more than letting them queers marry!

Fair. I just wouldn't have been surprised if they had gone the execution route during that time period.

Accepting scientific facts. Evolution, climate change, etc are all facts. Your inability to understand them does not change that.

It's not a choice. Homosexuals are not doing anything to your country, you bigoted half wit.

Her job includes doing what she is told, you fuck wit. If she is incapable or unwilling to comply, she can quit.

I have to assume that the gays represent an Axis power in this movie.