
Especially those evil Biology teachers.

Most of us are unable to have a relationship with Jesus. I stopped having imaginary friends when i was 5. It seems you have kept yours through adulthood.

I am concerned with your perception of reality.

I know Jesus very well. He mows my lawn every two weeks.

Quit hiding behind your little story book and just admit that you don't like homosexuals. At least be an honest bigot.

Kim Davis should have found another job then, since she was incapable of doing hers. Your religion should not give you special privileges.

Obama stays in office for a 3rd term and takes all the Christians guns away and gives them to the Muslim refugees, who are actually all ISIS members. The immigrants then join them, as well as the atheists, who just hate everyone. His evil atheist plan realized, Obama sets them all out against the Christians, forcing

The Purge is a parody in and of itself. Why did this need to be made?

Yes, that is how the USSR dealt with those who committed treason during the Cold War. Does that surprise you?

What are you talking about? Her imminent death was not telegraphed.

I agree with you on this point. I was not a fan of the amount of time given to her story arc.

I think it's Pastor bedtime

Oh yeah, Paige is never EVER going to get recruited. Phillip and Elizabeth are being truly awakened to what they are doing and what it's costing them now. I think they are nearing the end of their commitment to the Motherland. Phillip has obviously long been over it, but I think the Centre will do something regarding

If that's the way you feel, then Soviet.

To conclude her story arc.

Yep. I am very impressed with FX for remaining dedicated to it. It shows their desire to produce quality television.

Hey, we have to be afraid of someone. Everyone is out to get us. We need to spend more money on the military.

al you Atheistes are going to hell for making fun of Jesus. I am praying for all of u. i cant wate for Jesus to cum back and cast you into the depths of hell.

Do you make Jesus use protection before you allow him inside of you?